Scribendi Review
This piece is our review of Scribendi.com. To determine that Scribendi is not a fraud or scam, and to gather as much information as possible, we took the following steps:
- We read customer reviews and testimonials about Scribendi.
- We made arrangements to receive a completed written work.
- We analyzed the quality of the services we received from Scribendi.com by reviewing the edited paper we had secured.
- Conducted a BBB search of Scribendi. We found that they are accredited through that organization.
- Researched the company to determine its reputation, and find any legal notices or news articles.
- Reviewed the process of placing an order to ensure that customer data is safe.
- Explored the Scribendi website.
- Conducted a price comparison and explored coupon codes and other deals.
Can Scribendi be trusted to deliver quality work as promised? The following outlines our overall experience and conclusions.
Review Criteria
Our review criteria remain consistent. We expect top quality service. We expect friendly and helpful customer support. Prices should be fair and reasonable. The website we are reviewing should be easy to navigate. All products should be delivered early or on time. The website should also contain clearly written policies to help customers understand their rights and responsibilities as well as the rights and responsibilities of the company. Finally, we look for extras that make a writing service provider stand out. This could be writing samples, videos, blog posts, or additional services. While we will not reject a service for not having these extras, they certainly make a writing service stand out.
Factor 1: Types of Writing Services Offered
This is not a writing service. Instead, this is a proofreading and editing service. We received an essay that had been edited and proofread by the Scribendi staff. The paper was quite long as we wanted to be able to conduct a thorough evaluation. As no writing services are available, long-form assignments such as thesis or dissertation services are not addressed here.
Factor 2: Trust and Reliability
Customers place orders, and they appear to be filled as promised. We have no reason to suspect any sort of fraud here. In that sense, the company does seem to be trustworthy and reliable. However, there are quality issues to be addressed below.
There is an online customer service available to those who have questions. We engaged with a support agent who we found to be polite, professional, and helpful.
Factor 3: Level of Quality
We reviewed our edited document, and it left a lot to be desired. First, the writer left several errors untouched. These were mistakes that should have been found quite easily. They also missed factual mistakes. Even awkward phrasing was ignored with no written warning added the edited version with suggestions for fixing it. Keep in mind that editing and proofreading are intended to go beyond fixing simple errors in grammar, spelling, and structure. Students rely on these services to help them ensure their writing is clear, and that their ideas are communicated in a way that the reader understands.
Basically, it appeared as if the paper we received was subjected to the same, basic double-checking that most students would do using a free spelling and grammar checker. It did not appear as if any work had been done by a professional editor or proofreader. Perhaps it had, but we certainly expected more in terms of corrections being made, suggestions, and other feedback.
Factor 4: Pricing and Payment
Prices are quoted according to length and deadline. We paid around 60 dollars to have our essay edited. It was over 1500 words, and we gave the editor a week to complete the assignment. Prices did not seem unreasonable, but the quoting system did make comparison difficult.
There are no discounts available for these services. This means we were unable to apply any sort of a promo code. We were able to easily make payments online. For this order, we opted to use PayPal. There are policy documents that address pricing and payments. They accept standard payment options. Allpay is made available for customers in China.
Factor 5: Additional Important Considerations
There was nothing more to consider here than the quality of service and customer support. It only takes a few moments on the company website to understand that this service takes a minimalist approach. They simply offer proofreading and editing.
We can say that there is quite a bit of extra content here. We found FAQ pages. There are also customer reviews and case studies. The company appears to offer many services specifically to students in China. Because of this, there is quite a bit of content in Chinese. Instead of a blog, the company has an articles and advice section.
Finally, we reviewed the company’s policy documents. We paid specific attention to their privacy policy document. It provides basic details on how the company protects customer data privacy. However, we believe the document could be much more detailed. For example, no mention was made of GDPR compliance or any state-specific privacy regulations.
Concluding Comments
Our final rating of this service is below average. While we appreciate the effort to provide students and others with a niche service such as proofreading and editing, the quality was just not there. Students who are in search of writing assistance should know that we have weighed the pros & cons. Learn from our essay writing services reviews and use another companies.
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